Is This the (B)END?
An average student of class 8th, not so good with his academics, was scolded and asked to get his parents along the next day, by his tuition teacher, committed suicide by hanging himself from the fan, when he was all alone at home.
Amrita Pujari (18) tried to kill herself, as she was afraid that her father who had already murdered her mother would also come after her.
A father who was unable to pay back a loan of Rs. 20,000/-, which he had borrowed from a reputed bank for his son’s education, inspite of several reminders, committed suicide out of shame and embarrassment caused.
So, what do find common in the above instances? SUICIDE??? No, it’s not suicide, but the pain and agony that exceeded the tolerance level of those individuals who were traumatised and thus considered as ending their lives a permanent solution to all their problems. We have witnessed such ‘n’ number of cases around us, where the troubled individual finds and opts for this deadly option to end their worries. Almost every leading newspaper carries atleast one suicide case daily. Well, many of us must have possibly been the affected person also. But is it really the only and acceptable option?
Acceptable Alternate???
The reply to which, all of us would say is ‘NO’. Spiritually speaking, the life given to us is the gift of GOD, and we ourselves do not have a right to finish it. Also, legally committing suicide is a crime, afterall, it is nothing but killing a life, only. Yet there are many who inspite of knowing the fact would trip down and would be contemplated to see this as the only option.
Now, here, one thing that needs to be understood is that, if you are feeling suicidal, it doesn’t mean that you are a week or a crazy person. All it means is that, your pains are going beyond your tolerance level rather your pain- coping resources are declining. Another important aspect is that, if you are feeling suicidal, that does not means that you have to die, but it means that you need to become stronger mentally than you are at the moment and face the world.
Factors leading to Suicidal tendency
Dr. Yusuf. A. Machiswala, a well-known psychiatrist, says that, “There are various factors which coerces a person towards committing suicide. Factors like depression and frustration are commonly known, but these emotions arises when his/her desires are not met or you can say when he/ she feels there’s nothing or nobody to live for; one out of fear or guilt can also come across this violent decision. Even being cheated by the most trusted or loosing faith in God or universal powers or even a feeling of being burden on someone can lead a person to take this big decision. Overall, the pessimistic thought pushes one towards attempting suicide.”
He also cites an incident that occurred last year in Mumbai, when a family out of a fear of loosing a court case, decided and committed suicide along with his family. Such cases are named as pact suicide, where a family or even many couples take a decision to kill themselves and commit suicide.
Many even commit suicide due to certain illness which are incurable or the treatment of which are unaffordable for the family. Some may also be frustrated from the long ailing period and thus take a decision to get free from it. Then there are suicide bombers, who are made to believe that, their act of killing the mass along with themselves, is nothing but a feasible movement for their country, religion etc. There are also ‘slow suiciders’, who either do not have the courage to kill themselves instantly or for some reason do not wish end their lives so easily. They start consuming drugs or other dangerous addictions. Not surprisingly, they also try to invite fatal viruses like HIV +ve in their blood streams, or stop eating or taking proper diet and thus gradually kill themselves. Not to forget, the poor farmers who due to financial constraints again find no better way than accepting death.
Identifying and Preventing the Suicidal Tendencies
Although, it is not very difficult to recognise the suicidal tendency, however it is difficult react appropriately to it. Dr. Machiswala says that, “Normally, a person will show some signs before committing suicide, one just has to understand them. He may directly give a cry for help, which in any case should not be overlooked.” He mentions about a models case, when she declared to her family and friends that she wanted to commit suicide as she was frustrated out of life, but they would just shut her by considering it nonsense and scolding her not to think of doing such acts. That indeed was a wrong move! As in many cases, it has been observed that the family does pay proper heed to such things resulting into unwanted situations. “Besides, the person may also show emotional attachments to family, friends, pets and even things around. He may undergo a change of mood, behaviour or even personality. Many would even prefer finishing up of pending jobs. Apart from these signs, some would write letters about their state of mind and reason for committing the crime on themselves,” he further adds.
If you ever notice your beloved one saying something unusual or in a bizarre manner, do not ignore it, try to understand what and why are these thoughts coming from him. Talk about it or even better approach for a professional help. “Professional help must be sought as soon as you identify suicidal tendencies. There are phyciatrists, psychologists, psychotherapist, counselling centres, help-lines, etc. who can avoid the catastrophic action,” advices Dr. Machiswala.
‘You and The Situation’
Give the above phrase a little thought. If ever you are feeling suicidal, the phrase, you never know can be the rescuing key. Assume there are two different aspects, first YOU and the second is ‘THE SITUATION’. In a way take the situation as a second person, with whom you are competing. Now, this situation in order to win will get worse and worse to force you to tumble down pushing you towards the darkness of depression and pain. And if this state of depression further darkens, severely, it will give you the thought of ending your life. If you fall down to the thought of suicide…you loose. But if you can overcome rather conquer the situation and stand still with a positive hope… you win the battle of life, you win your life.
While undergoing depression, the extreme farthest point you can see is your pains mounting up like the peak of the mountain, but you forget that after that peak is a slope drooping down towards the greener pasture.
Avoiding the Suicidal Tendencies
The thought of suicide is very active; it pushes and urges you. But you can always survive the suicidal feelings, either by finding a way to reduce your pain or by finding a way to increase your coping power. The best thing that you can do to avoid suicidal feelings is to speak to a trusted person about it. Well, many are bound to ignore your state, as they are unable to identify you in that severe condition. They may also react badly to your suicidal feelings, due to their anger or fear, which possibly will increase your pain instead of helping you. Be it your parents, friends or anybody, but choose the person who necessarily listens and understand you and make you understand. People, in order to seek relief from pain, turn towards suicide. However, understand that you will never experience any relief, a feeling after death.
As these days, it is observed that more and more of youngsters without thinking take such impulsive decision (of committing suicide), it is advisable that, schools and colleges as well should have special lectures on explaining the importance of life and living it.
‘Life is beautiful’ and it ought to be lived fully with all the happiness and the worries it brings with it. So if ever you get a suicidal feeling and you don’t find any solution over it, always remember, ‘this is not the final alternative available’ and this is not the end, it is just a bend!
An average student of class 8th, not so good with his academics, was scolded and asked to get his parents along the next day, by his tuition teacher, committed suicide by hanging himself from the fan, when he was all alone at home.
Amrita Pujari (18) tried to kill herself, as she was afraid that her father who had already murdered her mother would also come after her.
A father who was unable to pay back a loan of Rs. 20,000/-, which he had borrowed from a reputed bank for his son’s education, inspite of several reminders, committed suicide out of shame and embarrassment caused.
So, what do find common in the above instances? SUICIDE??? No, it’s not suicide, but the pain and agony that exceeded the tolerance level of those individuals who were traumatised and thus considered as ending their lives a permanent solution to all their problems. We have witnessed such ‘n’ number of cases around us, where the troubled individual finds and opts for this deadly option to end their worries. Almost every leading newspaper carries atleast one suicide case daily. Well, many of us must have possibly been the affected person also. But is it really the only and acceptable option?
Acceptable Alternate???
The reply to which, all of us would say is ‘NO’. Spiritually speaking, the life given to us is the gift of GOD, and we ourselves do not have a right to finish it. Also, legally committing suicide is a crime, afterall, it is nothing but killing a life, only. Yet there are many who inspite of knowing the fact would trip down and would be contemplated to see this as the only option.
Now, here, one thing that needs to be understood is that, if you are feeling suicidal, it doesn’t mean that you are a week or a crazy person. All it means is that, your pains are going beyond your tolerance level rather your pain- coping resources are declining. Another important aspect is that, if you are feeling suicidal, that does not means that you have to die, but it means that you need to become stronger mentally than you are at the moment and face the world.
Factors leading to Suicidal tendency
Dr. Yusuf. A. Machiswala, a well-known psychiatrist, says that, “There are various factors which coerces a person towards committing suicide. Factors like depression and frustration are commonly known, but these emotions arises when his/her desires are not met or you can say when he/ she feels there’s nothing or nobody to live for; one out of fear or guilt can also come across this violent decision. Even being cheated by the most trusted or loosing faith in God or universal powers or even a feeling of being burden on someone can lead a person to take this big decision. Overall, the pessimistic thought pushes one towards attempting suicide.”
He also cites an incident that occurred last year in Mumbai, when a family out of a fear of loosing a court case, decided and committed suicide along with his family. Such cases are named as pact suicide, where a family or even many couples take a decision to kill themselves and commit suicide.
Many even commit suicide due to certain illness which are incurable or the treatment of which are unaffordable for the family. Some may also be frustrated from the long ailing period and thus take a decision to get free from it. Then there are suicide bombers, who are made to believe that, their act of killing the mass along with themselves, is nothing but a feasible movement for their country, religion etc. There are also ‘slow suiciders’, who either do not have the courage to kill themselves instantly or for some reason do not wish end their lives so easily. They start consuming drugs or other dangerous addictions. Not surprisingly, they also try to invite fatal viruses like HIV +ve in their blood streams, or stop eating or taking proper diet and thus gradually kill themselves. Not to forget, the poor farmers who due to financial constraints again find no better way than accepting death.
Identifying and Preventing the Suicidal Tendencies
Although, it is not very difficult to recognise the suicidal tendency, however it is difficult react appropriately to it. Dr. Machiswala says that, “Normally, a person will show some signs before committing suicide, one just has to understand them. He may directly give a cry for help, which in any case should not be overlooked.” He mentions about a models case, when she declared to her family and friends that she wanted to commit suicide as she was frustrated out of life, but they would just shut her by considering it nonsense and scolding her not to think of doing such acts. That indeed was a wrong move! As in many cases, it has been observed that the family does pay proper heed to such things resulting into unwanted situations. “Besides, the person may also show emotional attachments to family, friends, pets and even things around. He may undergo a change of mood, behaviour or even personality. Many would even prefer finishing up of pending jobs. Apart from these signs, some would write letters about their state of mind and reason for committing the crime on themselves,” he further adds.
If you ever notice your beloved one saying something unusual or in a bizarre manner, do not ignore it, try to understand what and why are these thoughts coming from him. Talk about it or even better approach for a professional help. “Professional help must be sought as soon as you identify suicidal tendencies. There are phyciatrists, psychologists, psychotherapist, counselling centres, help-lines, etc. who can avoid the catastrophic action,” advices Dr. Machiswala.
‘You and The Situation’
Give the above phrase a little thought. If ever you are feeling suicidal, the phrase, you never know can be the rescuing key. Assume there are two different aspects, first YOU and the second is ‘THE SITUATION’. In a way take the situation as a second person, with whom you are competing. Now, this situation in order to win will get worse and worse to force you to tumble down pushing you towards the darkness of depression and pain. And if this state of depression further darkens, severely, it will give you the thought of ending your life. If you fall down to the thought of suicide…you loose. But if you can overcome rather conquer the situation and stand still with a positive hope… you win the battle of life, you win your life.
While undergoing depression, the extreme farthest point you can see is your pains mounting up like the peak of the mountain, but you forget that after that peak is a slope drooping down towards the greener pasture.
Avoiding the Suicidal Tendencies
The thought of suicide is very active; it pushes and urges you. But you can always survive the suicidal feelings, either by finding a way to reduce your pain or by finding a way to increase your coping power. The best thing that you can do to avoid suicidal feelings is to speak to a trusted person about it. Well, many are bound to ignore your state, as they are unable to identify you in that severe condition. They may also react badly to your suicidal feelings, due to their anger or fear, which possibly will increase your pain instead of helping you. Be it your parents, friends or anybody, but choose the person who necessarily listens and understand you and make you understand. People, in order to seek relief from pain, turn towards suicide. However, understand that you will never experience any relief, a feeling after death.
As these days, it is observed that more and more of youngsters without thinking take such impulsive decision (of committing suicide), it is advisable that, schools and colleges as well should have special lectures on explaining the importance of life and living it.
‘Life is beautiful’ and it ought to be lived fully with all the happiness and the worries it brings with it. So if ever you get a suicidal feeling and you don’t find any solution over it, always remember, ‘this is not the final alternative available’ and this is not the end, it is just a bend!
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