Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekly predictions September 13th – September 19th, 2010

The predictions are based on Sun Signs - Anugya A Sinha

Finance: Your financial condition seems like will see a little improvement this week. The temporary period of restriction, from previous week, will fade away.

Career: Again, here you need not carry forward the tension from the past. Finally, you may see your dreams coming true.

Health:  Maintain the discipline, neatness and cleanliness around you. Health will improve.

Relationship: The doors of opportunities are open for you. If you want propose to someone, or share your feelings with that special one. You may also see success in your efforts.

Lucky days: Monday, Thursday & Friday

Tarot tip: A creatively satisfying time for you, in whatever you do

Finance: This could be an (emotionally) disturbed phase for you, as far finances are concerned. You may decide to change your priorities. There are chances that you may have to sacrifice something. Perhaps, there’s a need to develop a new skill in the related arena. Make use of your knowledge.

Career: You may see some though minor financial gains. Expect some good news your way.

Health: Indulge yourself into activities like reading books, or something creative.

Relationship: This week you may feel a little upset, as somebody close to you, will not deliver as promised. Probably, it’s your turn to rework things. Some trouble ahead, but be prepared for it.

Lucky days: Saturday

Tarot tip: Fresh ways of thinking along with power and clarity is required this week, to handle matters smoothly.

Finance: Circumstances could double your work and efforts. Financial aspects this week could be troubled.

Career: You need be more clear with your thoughts and acts. Take advice in legal matters. Think from various angles.

Health: Indulge yourself into activities like reading books, or something creative to reduce the mental pressure.

Relationship: Let your imaginations flow this week. You may feel loving towards your partner. You may hear some good news.

Lucky days:  Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday

Tarot tip: Sometimes, it’s good to have a spiritual attitude. Have faith in the supreme power (God). Look at things from all directions.

Finance: This is a challenging yet positive phase. You can expect success to be on your side. An intelligent woman will come to support you.

Career: Lots and lots and lots of work for you this week. You may be a little away from family, (perhaps, not literally), you are a real workaholic this week. A little slow to change, yet discipline and traditional ways may help you achieve your goals. Don’t get confused, be patient.

Health: You will have to take real good care of your health. Your work may take a toll on it. Be careful. It can be critical.

Relationship: The disappointment from previous week hasn’t faded off, it seems. There could be an increased senses of failure and disappointment.

Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

Tarot tip: Your desire to enjoy the materialistic things in life is not hidden. Although a lot of hard work is required this week, but you can take some time off to treat and pamper yourself.

Finance: Something is certainly acting as burden for you and your plans to be executed. However, this is a temporary period of restriction.  

Career: You will have to work more hard. You financial situations will improve. You may receive help from others.

Health: Your better half (for men) is really taking good care of your health, so you need not worry about it. A happy and sporty time for you!

Relationship: A very emotional and sensitive you will be happy enough to keep your loved ones happy. Your charm will work. Bring your creativity and love together.

Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday & Friday

Tarot tip: Time for your dreams to come true. You will be happy and satisfied with the way things occur. You may enjoy every part of the joy.

Finance: It is a really difficult phase to breathe in? Then be happy because, this is the worst phase of your life and you are surviving it. Nothing can go beyond this. Things and situation will only improve from here...whatever the situations are.

Career: A string of loneliness, it seems is wrapping you. A sense of dissatisfaction along with stagnation is covering you. Support is available for you, just look along carefully.

Health: Your health problems may have stabilised by now.  It will improve from here. Plan out a healthy diet for yourself, if required.

Relationship: You may have worked out things in the past to put things straight for you and your partner. You will get success in the same.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Tarot tip: Nothing much to do this week. Just understand the significance of what you have and what you have achieved and enjoy it.



Finance: Troubles approaching you!!! You may have to make extra efforts to meet the ends, as much as also do somebody else’s work. Not your fault, but others will cause difficulties for you.

Career: A very creative week for you ahead. A fruitful period for you, career wise. You will see things getting positive around you.

Health: Your health seems good. No major problems coming across. Be happy!

Relationship: Maintaining is a balance is very important. Plan out some interesting activities with your partners. Partnership will benefit you.

Lucky days: All days, except Thursday & Friday

Tarot tip: A period of hard work has come to an end and it time for you to enjoy the fruits of it. Enjoy the feeling of security about your career.

Finance: There is sufficient financial security. You may expect improvements in this part. Promotions, gradual establishments of profession or business are also suggested.

Career: You can expect short journeys, invitations and exciting conversations. You may feel creative and energetic.

Health: Don’t let negative feelings like anger, envy or hatred affect your health. Emotionally you may be stressing your mind.

Relationship: Do not get angry on your partners.  Being practical is good, but not ambiguous. There could be a temporary separation.

Lucky days:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

Tarot tip: At some point of time, you may lack the required motivation. Take advice from elders. Some amount of yoga and meditation might help.

Finance: Increase in your prosperity is suggested by cards this week. There will be sufficient material wealth with you. You may be overwhelmed with the feeling of contentment. Working in partnerships will prove beneficial

Career: You may be striving to achieve excellence, however, you need to stabilize your thoughts. You may have to sacrifice something. Only your knowledge and experience can get out better of the situation.

Health: Emotionally, you may turn a little more demanding this week. Being practical is suggested.

Relationship: Seems like you have followed previous week’s advice. You have an open heart. You right thinking and acting will get your loved ones closer.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday

Tarot tip: Expansion is depicted this week, especially in the creative fields. There’s opportunity and there’s success for you. Move ahead!

Finance: Situation is quite harmonious for you. Partnership will fetch benefits. New ventures may also be entering your life.

Career: As said in the previous week, things will only get better from here. The worst is over. A very creative week for you ahead and a fruitful period too. You will see things getting positive around you.

Health: Take care!! This week be very careful. Avoid taking impulsive decisions.

Relationship: Pleasure and gain is what you may receive this week. Nothing to worry about. Much has been achieved and it’s your time to enjoy it.   

Lucky days: Monday, Thursday & Saturday

Tarot tip: You may come across somebody or something difficult to resist. Do not trust his/ her/ its charming ways. Short trips and meeting new people in this week is indicated this week.

Finance: You may successfully attain your goals; realise your responsibilities and power. Your name and fame will travel across.

Career: A feeling of some obstacle coming your way is not unusual this week. There may be 100 things in your mind, but some restriction will not allow you to execute them or solve the problems. However, it is a temporary situation.

Health: Regarding health issues, you will receive help from others, which could also be in forms of advices. You are efficient and concerned about your health which is indeed the best thing. Health may face problems, though.  

Relationship: Probably one of the worst phases as far as your relationship is concerned. You may feel betrayed by your loved one. However, things can’t go worse than this. It will only improve from here, whatever the situations maybe.

Lucky days: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

Tarot tip: You may think the phase is a little stagnant; lack of ideas may push you towards feeling blocked. However, avoid being superstitious.


Finance: It seems you will be capable of handling difficult situations. You will have all that you need, just be more communicative and co-operative.

Career: A desire for luxury is not bad or wrong, but being greedy for the same is. Be hardworking and use your managerial intelligence.

Health: See things from all side. Meditate a little.

Relationship: Nothing very different from previous week. Your inner conflicts and inability will obstruct you in reaching your goal. Avoid getting into disputes with your loved ones.

Lucky days: Monday, Friday & Saturday

Tarot tip: You may need a clever advice in one of the crucial matters of life. It could be legal also. Think logically.

Have A Great Week Ahead!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekly predictions September 6th – September 12th, 2010


The predictions are based on Sun Signs - Anugya A Sinha

Finance:  Something is certainly acting as bondage for you and your plans to be executed. However, this is a temporary period of restriction.

Career: It is a little tensed phase. Some kind of fear is griping you. Think wise and try to stay calm.

Health:  A lot of socializing can cause some disturbance in your health, but be careful to stay within your limits. Enjoy the feast, but avoid overeating.

Relationship: Don’t have blind faith on anybody.

Lucky days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Tarot tip:  Try to evaluate how you can hone your skills.  Conduct a SWOT analysis on self. Testing times always bring ion something better in you.


Finance: It seems your hard work and patience is about to pay off. Creativity will get in more money. An elderly male member can be of great help.

Career: The past is gone and it’s time for new hopes to surface. A little negativity may still prevail, yet, put all your energies towards your future and not the past.

Health: Live life king size!!!!! But be practical. Take care of your health and avoid living in a fantasy world. If something doesn’t suit you (your health), it doesn’t!!

Relationship: You might meet somebody who is irresistibly charming. But don’t lay your trust blindly in their hands.

Lucky days: Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Tarot tip: One can not deny that you have the power and strength required to tackle any given situation, but a need to be more communicative and co-operative is suggested.

Finance: Do not raise a lot of hopes. Trusting everybody around is never safe.

Career: It can be a really moody phase. Try and stay away from manipulation. Do not get into it, nor be a victim of it. Stay alert.

Health: Take care of your health. Avoid too much or unnecessary travels.

Relationship: A good time to spend with your loved. Take good care of them. Don’t be dominating.

Lucky days:  Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday

Tarot tip: Avoid having a critical attitude to situations and circumstances. Let ignorance not settle down in your head.

Finance: The situation from last week hasn’t changed much. Expanding horizon is what you can also expect this week again. Communication is an important tool. Be prepared to get more work and thereby more money.

Career: It is advised for you to spend some time with family as well. A balance in professional and personal life should be maintained. Also, cards suggest a need to pay keen attention to minute details.

Health: No major or even minor harm to health is expected this week. It will only improve.

Relationship: This week seems a little disappointing in matters concerning relationships. If you are planning to propose somebody, wait for some more time.

Lucky days: Tuesday & Sunday

Tarot tip: Take rest! That’s what you need this week. Relax and chill!!!

Finance: Your determination and foresight will help you yield good results. Stay focused.  

Career: The disturbed and depressed period continues from previous week. Some changes, which may stir you to the core, could take place.

Health: Feel the freshness in the air! A happy and sporty time for you! You may be energised all this week.

Relationship: It’s that time of your life when destiny will not favour you. You may have to be independent on others. Your plans may not realise, or here could be a delay in the same!!

Lucky days: Monday & Thursday

Tarot tip: You may have to juggle between two different aspects. Be prepared to manage them well.

Finance: Money may not be exactly abundant, but with a few smart steps and hard work you may be capable of securing yourself.

Career: You may be refusing to take the test that comes your way. Think!!! Perhaps you may win. Be sensitive towards feeling of your colleagues.

Health: You will realise the benefits of self control and discipline this week. Your problems will be stabilised.

Relationship: Marriage may be on the cards. You may receive help from your father or husband.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday

Tarot tip: The fear of unknown prevails...agreed, but do not be scared to grow. Stop sticking to the old habits which holds no meaning.


( may be a good time to prove yourselves, but you may lose this opportunity due to fear of unseen. Give it a try!)

Finance: Movements and activities like short trips comes across your way. However, be smart enough not to trust the wrong people, no matter however, charming they appear.

Career: This week focus keeps suggesting you, not to place blind faith on anybody. Retain a balance and avoid thinking in haphazard manner.

Health: It seems you have been trying to manage too many things at one time, which may take a toll on your health. Also, you may get easily depressed... such is the phase built up around you. So stay calm.

Relationship: A positive and one of the best times, you can spend with your loved ones. Make the most. Good news relating child birth can be expected.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday

Tarot tip: You are provided with all the courage to tackle any problems that arise, but be more communicative and co-operative.

Finance: Financially everything is not fine. Somewhere, your rigid or bias thinking maybe affecting your finances. A lack of motivation is also shown in the cards; but a little meditation can help you overcome the problems.

Career: You problems may be coming to an end now. Good time to generate new ideas. Take fair-minded decisions. Some financial agreements are about to bother you.

Health: Your past health problems will be solved. Take care!!

Relationship: Your aims will be achieved. The understanding with your loved ones will increase.

Lucky days:  Monday & Thursday

Tarot tip: Probably, you think the resources available with you are not sufficient but only your efforts and wise thinking can improve things.

Finance: It seems you are not listening to some valuable advice. You have a limited outlook, try to see things out of it. Take fair decisions.

Career: It a positively challenging phase for you. Make the most. Its a good time for publishing jobs.

Health: Take care of your health. Avoid too much or unnecessary travels.

Relationship: Get a little out of self indulgence. Avoid being dominant. Don’t waste your time and that of others.

Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Tarot tip: End of hard work! There is a feeling of generosity towards other. Nice!! However, the growth will be slow.


Finance: You may make mistakes following wrong advices. So think wise and then come to any conclusion.

Career: It denotes a negative phase. You may be facing a real tough time, but understand that this is the worst. Situations will only improve after this.

Health: Health is at harmony this week. Nothing to worry about.

Relationship: A restrictive situation or way of thinking is passing your way. Stay calm and jus let the time pass away.  

Lucky days: Thursday, Friday, & Saturday

Tarot tip: The phase is indicating you to take some time off and spend a peaceful quality time with You!

Finance: You can expect delays, misunderstanding or even problems from misleading documents.

Career: New and exciting opportunities coming your way. Beginning of new business or job is also indicated. You may have all the energy to achieve your ambitions.

Health: Your efforts will be paid off, but there’s one last step to be taken. Follow your regime, coz that’s the secret to good health.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (Saturday can be real troublesome day for you, theft is also indicated on this day.)

Tarot tip: You may receive gifts from your elders.

Finance: Money will not be a problem at all. You will more than enough to meet your requirements.

Career: Hard work may be required in this period, but you will enjoy materialistic gains. Management and organising aspects of your career will improve.

Health: Enjoy your healthy life to the fullest. Follow the good advices you receive.

Relationship: A phase when your inner conflicts and inability will obstruct you in reaching your goal. Avoid getting into disputes with your loved ones.

Lucky days: Saturday & Sunday

Tarot tip: A need to listen to different point of views is suggested. You may face a problem in taking charge of a project. Avoid having a sarcastic approach towards life.

Have A Great Week Ahead!!