Monday, November 30, 2020

Tarot Forecast - December 2020


Just one more month and we will soon welcome the new year. As we usher into the new beginning, it is important to not forget the lessons learned in 2020.

Read on to know what #December2020 has in store for you.

These Tarot readings are based on #sunsigns

December 2020

It feels like we were waiting for this, the end of the year 2020. Overall the last month of the year will put us in a slowed down phase. There will be plans but less action or implementation. People may postpone new initiatives.

However, there will be some emotional disturbances resulting in blocked creativity. It is important not to run away from the core of who we are. Moving into the new year, we have to remember the lessons learned in 2020, and taking along the learning with us.


Tarot Card Readings help us understand what lies ahead and find solutions if required. Read along to know what the month of December 2020 holds for you with Tarot Prediction. These are general predictions based on Sun Signs.  


If it is your birthday in December 2020

Happy Birthday!


You are an adventurous and confident person. Career and finances will play a very important role for you this year.   

This year, you may face problems in travel, investments, and property matters, especially because of indecisiveness. Stay disciplined with reference to your lifestyle and work. There could be delays and setbacks but don’t let this reduce your enthusiasm. Finish what you have started.     


Aries (21st March - 20th April)

The last few months may have been tough for you, now is the time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. You will spend some quality time with family and friends. Work will be fine.


Tarot Tip

Don’t slip at any step! Take things easy, but keep your eyes and ears open. Pay attention to details. Create a balance. 


Taurus (21st April- 21st May)

Things that seemed were set and going well are still unfinished and may even face a little challenge. Things you are hoping for may not turn out as expected. But don’t worry there is still some time left to reach the final goal. Avoid getting into quarrels with people close to you.


Tarot Tip: This month presents an emotional phase. Don’t get bogged down. If confused, follow your intuition. Sometimes, it is good to stay quiet. 


Gemini (22nd May - 21st June)

You are probably at the final stage of an important initiative or event and might be in the phase of consolidating it all. Seems like you have started moving ahead which is a good thing. Your tasks will be completed.


Tarot Tip
Keep going at whichever speed you are comfortable with. For singles, this is a good month to meet prospective partners.  


Cancer (22nd June - 22nd July) 

Expect some news on contracts, but it need not be in your favor. However, avoid signing any important deals this month if you can. A new job or assignment could begin.


Tarot Tip

Show some generosity towards colleagues and people around you. While completion of a task is indicated, ensure, every minor and major detail is checked thoroughly. 


Leo (23rd July - 22nd August)

Last month of the year, so you may be in the mood to finish off all your tasks. You will get a chance to spend a good time with your family, enjoy the returns of your hard work.


Tarot Tip: You need to maintain a balance. The last few months have taught you a lot, make use of your experience and knowledge. Phase 1 is over, planning to spread your wings, aren’t you?  


Virgo (23rd August - 22nd September)

A complete circle! You may feel you are back from where you began, but you have arrived here with a lot of experience and knowledge. This should help in your growth and make you more confident. Stay away from people who have deceived you.


Tarot Tip: You may feel everything is complete, but a sense of uncertainty still lurks. Perhaps, it is because of your experience. But, have faith, it is all alright. You have made all possible efforts, maybe one last push.


Libra (23rd September - 22nd October)

You may have initiated with something new recently, wrt career. Tarot suggests you to stay motivated. Find your inspiration. For those wanting to start a new venture, this is a good time. By the way, ever given a thought to what is your spiritual quotient?  


Tarot Tip: Continue with your initiatives. Time to take a longer leap. More travels on the cards, and you might end up meeting interesting people.  


Scorpio (23rd October- 22nd November)

Avoid overspending. You may experience mood swings this month. A period of small losses and gains, too, be prepared. You may also get financial news, albeit not in your favor. You might end up wasting any good opportunities.  


Tarot Tip: Don’t sit back and give up. You have put in lots of effort, just the last few steps to reach the final goal. 


Sagittarius (23rd November - 21st December)

You may not be tapping your inner strength to the fullest; probably because of a limited outlook. You are maybe unable to see beyond a point. A need to tap your potential is indicated.  


Tarot Tip: You may be refusing to open your eyes and see things from fresh perspective. Avoid intolerance. Create a balance in life.  


Capricorn (22nd December - 20th January)

Relationships are the key. However, you may get into fights with your partner. While it could be a nasty one, it won’t lead to separation. Some emotional disturbances are also indicated in the cards.  


Tarot Tip: Remember your core reason for being into this relationship. Relive and cherish good memories. You might also meet childhood friends.  


Aquarius (21st January - 18th February)

Stay away from dishonest dealings; neither get involved not get trapped into it. On a lighter note, you seem to be in a happy, partying, and playful mood.   


Tarot Tip: Avoid overspending. Some financial loss is indicated in the cards, especially due to ignorance or even gambling.


Pisces (19th February - 20th March)

You might be looking at the expansion of business or property, but is this the right time? There could be a lot that you may have overlooked because of limited perspective. Rigid thinking could also lead to losing opportunities.


Tarot Tip: Listen to the advice of the experienced. Finances and family might be connected for you. You may receive help from family members.


 Drop a mail to connect with me for personal Tarot readings at 

Have a good month ahead!

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