Sunday, September 1, 2013


These general predictions are based on Sun Signs

Tarot Tip
(21st March - 20th April) 
Team work will yield successful results and bring rightful recognition for you.  Commitment towards work will bring satisfaction to you.
If there have been any existing problems, then it is likely to continue for some more time. You may need to understand the problem in depth.
This week, you may be taking up more work, which may tire you mentally and physically. Cards reflect a need to take care.
Being self- reliant is great, but you should ignore advices from experienced and experts, which you are likely to do this week. This will only increase your struggle.
(21st April- 21st May)
Time for you to take a little break from our hectic schedule. Planning a short vacation is a good idea and will provide you with the much needed break from work.
You may see a lot of opportunities to improve your relationships with your loved ones, yet there’s something restricting you to step in that direction. Avoid getting frustrated, be patient.
Do not over indulge into unhealthy food habits and activities.
Stay alert, your current materialistic security and comfort are threatened; if what you have achieved is not your hard earned.
(22nd May - 21st June)
If you are facing a (internal) conflict between heart and mind, you may get the solution this week and it will definitely bring peace to you.
You may be acting stubborn and not willing to have an open mind. Don’t let your past experiences have a negative impact on your relationships. Except for your mind-set, events around you may be positive. Believe!
You may have realized that your present lifestyle (or some aspect for it) is affecting your health. It’s time to change that one little thing for your own sake.
There’s no need to be shy or for you to lose confidence in yourself. Don’t hesitate. You may be inclined towards dishonest aims. Believe in people, but not blindly.
(22nd June - 22nd July)
An intelligent person which more power and authority could be a major threat for you. Avoid him, if you can or at least be aware.
Somebody very close can hurt you very badly. You may also experience separation from a dear one. A period of insecurity is reflected in cards.
Expecting mothers, please do take care, there could be some problems arising.
Accepting ones mistake is the easiest and honest way to get out of it. Better to take steps to protect yourself against falling into the pit of lies and deception.
(23rd July - 22nd August)
The same old routine, monotonous work, is just making your life boring and dissatisfied… is this what you are thinking. Re-evaluate your goals.
Healthy competition is fine, but what you may be experiencing is more bitter that this. Legal entangles are also indicated, in the readings.
You may be wasting your energy or resources. A need to analysis and work on your health for long term is indicated.
End of a relationship (personal or professional) can hurt you. However, with optimism initiate new beginnings.
(23rd August - 22nd September)
It’s good to be professional, but considering other’s feelings are equally important. Make honest use of your intelligence. You may fall into (legal) problems with authority/ management.
Your dear ones (younger to you) will perform as per your expectations and satisfactions. You will get to hear positive news from them and plans for travels can be fulfilled this week.
You may be gradually getting to depressive state of mind. Be active. Work towards satisfaction. A dull mind makes you dull physically.
Look at a problem from a bird’s eye view, or by standing outside of the situation, to find the real solution…a long term resolution. In-depth analysis is recommended.
(23rd September - 22nd October)
A bit of confusion and bewilderment might cloud your mind, this week.
Your strength, your efforts in the past, will give you the results this week. You may be very close to your goals, as far as relationships are concerned.
You may need to pay a visit to a gynaecologist.
New beginnings are indicated. Nothing comes in life without challenges, but with optimism and positive energies you can certainly overcome them.
(23rd October- 22nd November)
There are times, when plans don’t work. However, in your case, it could be a rotten apple spoiling things for you. Take note and start with new hopes.
A skilful communicator like you understands the significance of communication in relationships as well. You may need to emphasize practicality of your skills. 
You may be brimming with pink of health. Be healthy and keep smiling.
Frustration and anxiety may be overpowering you, but, this week, only hard work and perseverance can help you overcome the obstacles.
(23rd November -  21st December)
You possess strong analytical skills to get to the root of any issue. You may need to make important decisions, negotiate well. Also be vigilant.
Misunderstandings are bound to occur between you and your loved ones. Introspect. It could be because of your self- delusion or others dishonesty. You may follow your intuition to resolve the problem. 
Ten on ten for your health. No need to worry on health front.
If you are in need of genuine advice, turn to a woman who is mature, intelligent, generous, independent, home-loving, yet practical. Her advice can help you solve problem.
(22nd December - 20th January)
An upcoming dispute is indicated, stay away from it. You may need to understand the importance of team work. Imposing your views and values is not always a good idea. Even if you are right, you need to do it in the right way.
Flexibility is important. Resistance to change will only worsen your situation. A need to re-organize your priorities is suggested. New relationships could face problems/ conflicts. Avoid having unrealistic expectations.
You may want to take a second opinion in matters of health. If you are avoiding visiting a doctor, its worse. You may want to get a check-up done, if you think all is well, health wise.
A treacherous act from an enemy could ruin your plans. Take note, make use of experience and re-start with new hopes and plans.
(21st January - 18th February)
Many hopes and aspirations, running in your mind throughout. However, you may need to understand the difference between dreams and reality. What’s achievable and what’s not. Choose your path wisely. Avoid making important decision, this week, if you can.
To address the problem, focus on its root. To not face it, is certainly not a solution at all. Also half- hearted solutions will bring temporary solutions and the problems may resurface. Get it solved, for once and all.
Deception! You might think all’s well, health wise, or might be postponing a health-check-up. Not a good thing to do.
For several problems, no analysis and facts can offer great help. Focus on what your intuition says. Make attempts to solve the conflicts. 
(19th February - 20th March)
You may be starting with new projects and putting it lot of energies and creativity in it. A younger male colleague will share your excitement and be of great help.
Don’t take people who care for you for granted.  Work towards making things straight and making them happy. Avoid getting angry and irritated with those who care for you.
For those who may be suffering through an illness or symptom, your health may see improvement, provided you really take great precautions this week.
You may feel trapped and unable to do plenty of things you have planned. There could be delays, but be patient.

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