Sunday, September 22, 2013


These are general predictions based on Sun Signs

Tarot Tip
(21st March - 20th April) 
You may expect good news in terms of promotions or salary; possibly for your younger sibling or a colleague who is closer to you. You important meeting may be a successful event.
Problems in relationships may be prevalent with illicit matters or unsatisfying emotional ties. Finance can also be a cause of concern here.
Change is predicted this week. Expect a change in atmosphere around you that will influence your health. Travel could be one of it.
If you are expecting results of any projects, the results are likely to be in your favour. It is equally important to share the credit with those who have supported you and been with you in the journey.
(21st April- 21st May)
You may be facing a sustained opposition from a particular source, although it may be unclear who is behind all this. Plans and progress likely to get hindered. Avoid direct confrontation and prepare well.
If you were going through an ambiguous phase, this week will see enormous clarity, mentally. Time for new beginnings for relationships is also indicated.
Expect good news, you seem to be in pink of health and young at heart.
Here’s a period of productive beginning for you, especially in terms of career, commercial venture and partnership. However, don’t expect immediate results, as it may take some time.
(22nd May - 21st June)
Competitiveness and opposition are likely to bring upon a phase of struggle for you. Be extra careful. Texting time lies ahead.
If you are facing any troubles look for advice from a mature and independent woman, as she is likely to assist you in the right direction.
Your emotional disillusionment may impact your physical health. Changes of tumour affecting your body. If doubtful, check it checked. 
If career and relationships are going in the wrong direction, you may feel you are alone and there’s no one for you. However, that’s not the fact Meditate!
(22nd June - 22nd July)
Promises should be honoured. Somebody who has assured of something, may not fulfill, perhaps doesn’t intends to do the same. Be alert.
It seems your position is challenged and you lack the confidence to win it back. You may be losing out on an opportunity.  However, understand that you may be stronger than what you imagine. 
Change in lifestyle, or perhaps diet can have a greater affect. If you are advised by an expert, please do so.
Treat difficulties like a test, which analyses what you have learnt from your experiences. Maintain a balance, physically and mentally. Be optimistic.
(23rd July - 22nd August)
You are quite aware of your path and posse immense clarity on the directions. You may expect new foundations
You may have to juggle hard between personal and professional demands. You are likely to set a balance between the two.
You seem to be in good health. However, there’s a lot of work ahead for you, this week. Ensure that doesn’t affect your health.
Interesting activities may be lined up this week. Short trips, meeting new people may be helpful. A change in environment is reflected.
(23rd August - 22nd September)
Looks like work may be taking away your sleep as well. Do not have self- doubt. Have faith and importantly, patience.
You may have lost something, possibly in the recent past and it still hurts you. The only solution may be a fresh start and new beginning.
You may face a problem in your right ear or may have to undergo an operation. Fractures can also affect you, take care.
Expecting a result against someone, it’s likely to be in your favour, as you may have done no wrong. A need to create equilibrium between opposing forces: material and spiritual or mental and physical is indicated.
(23rd September - 22nd October)
Yes, you surely have the required security, but you may be discontent. You are looking for new challenges, projects or importantly job/ career.
You may feel a kind of stagnation or blockage. Emotionally a strange loneliness could grip you. Look beyond, support is available. 
Your worries may cause a lot of emotional stress to you. Sleep well, be relaxed, you may be suffering from sleepless nights.
You are witty and clever person, may be using logical arguments for your benefit. You may be assertive, which is good, but avoid the domineering attitude.
(23rd October- 22nd November)
You may feel bound to a situation (or people) from where there is no escape; feel anger and frustration. However, this may be very temporary.
You may have a blooming relationship with your loved ones. Expect some good news, especially related to marriage or child birth.
Ensure, that you don’t ignore symptoms or nervous system and skin diseases.
Good time to start a new venture, if you are planning for; especially in partnerships. The results in the long-run will be fruitful.
(23rd November -  21st December)
You may be required to start with a new project, enthusiastically and think creatively for the same. Younger (male) colleague will assist you with the same and bring in some good news for you.
There may be satisfaction in your relationships with your loved ones. You are probably expecting good news about new relations or members in the family.
You may have ignored symptoms or advices for health earlier. If yes, then you may have to suffer the result. Do get a health checkup done, if advised.
The situation you are facing today (good or bad) has its roots in the past. Something that you have done in your past, may surface now. You may meet your old friends.
(22nd December - 20th January)
A need to show authority, self-confidence and uncompromising professionalism is suggested. Assertive enough, though you may be cold in your interpersonal relationships.
You may require some kind of change in your routine or environment. You may be planning for travels, trips and journeys with family or friends.
You may feel restricted and helpless. Your mental health may be affected.
Seems like the situation hasn’t changed much! A conflict between your heart and mind is likely to pull you in different directions. Focus on getting to a solution. Only that can bring peace to you.
(21st January - 18th February)
The battle of wits! You may have to work through a positive yet challenging phase and the results will be good. A good period if you wish to go for higher studies.
You may be planning short journeys with your dear ones. You may enjoy a healthy and lively conversation with a close friend.
No health concerns to trouble you this week.
You may possess a strong character be energetic and fair-minded. Expect gift from elders!
(19th February - 20th March)
Introspect! You may be a knowledgeable person and are likely to attain your goal. Asses your true goals and inner aims and requirements.
You may be required to create a balance and stability between the two important forces, which can be practical assessment and intuition. Also, a need to stabilize your spiritual and mental needs is suggested.
Take the required precautions.
Financially, you may be required to think and behave in a practical (read shrewd) manner.


Sunday, September 15, 2013


These are general predictions based on Sun Signs

If it’s your birthday (between September 16-22), you are likely to witness problems arising in this week, which however, with your past experience, confidence and optimism you may be capable of solving it on your own. You are suggested to create a balance between the opposing forces. Moderation and self-control over physical weakness is also recommended.

Tarot Tip
(21st March - 20th April) 
You will be required to make important and quick decisions at work. Put your analytical skills at work and stay alert and any form of deception is likely to harm you. You may remain quite energetic and strongly opinionated.
Being insistent is not bad, until it becomes dominating for your loves ones. You may be thinking of their good, but they may not see it the way you do. In order to avoid the conflict, think differently and positively.
Ensure that your body maintains the required balance. You might suffer from cough, (minor) problems during child birth or irritation due to hormonal changes.
You certainly possess the skills and the drive to achieve your ambitions. A good time to go ahead withmarriage proposals, new ventures and for child births.
(21st April- 21st May)
A strong headed person like you is likely to overcome the challenges and make responsible decisions, at work; and equally receive oppositions.  Stay enthusiastic and aware.
A test is coming your way, have an idealistic approach. As they say, change is the only things constant, you may have to adapt to the situation.
Retreat! If you have been unwell for some time, your health may see an improvement. Ensure you retain the same. Give strain and stress a break to recover.
In case of professional or legal problems, you may need to look at things in a logical manner, before coming to any conclusion. It’s a challenging yet positive phase. You may get success in your endeavours
(22nd May - 21st June)
You are a moody and creative person. Confusion may arise due to your self-assumptions or someone’s dishonesty. Make use of your imagination, intuition to get out of problems.Don’t look for sympathy from others.
You may make new plans with your family or friends. You may have to take the lead and plan things for all.  Your zeal is contagious.
Listen to health advices suggested by experts or even that elder woman (in your life) who cares for you.
Problems are a part of life, rather a test, which analysis what your experience has taught you. Maintain a balance, physically and mentally. Be optimistic.
(22nd June - 22nd July)
You may be required to work on a new project with great enthusiasm and creativity. A younger (male) colleague will assist you with the same and bring in some good news for you.
There can be some delays in plans, but don’t get frustrated because of this. More determination is required from your end.
Perhaps you are required to focus on a symptom, which you may be ignoring. Don’t think money will be wasted, check yourself checked, if need be, to avoid further illness.
Your career could see disturbance, albeit you may be able to solve it. You may experience separation from loved ones. Start fresh.
(23rd July - 22nd August)
If you are planning to get into a partnership, good time for the same. Your targets will be met, expect promotions or appreciations. Your anxiety for future, however, remains intact.
You may get into a new relationship, this week, which can turn out to be long-lasting one.
A seeker of luxuries, take care of not inviting any illness due to your lifestyle. Your penchant for sweets could create an imbalance. Get yourself checked. Take precautions. 
Competitions galore! Keep up your hard work, if you wish overcome your struggles and surface as a winner. Utilise your energy in the right way.
(23rd August - 22nd September)
You may receive and unexpected financial gains. Your integrity and leaderships skills can help resolve a dispute. If you are planning to start a venture, it’s a good time.
In spite of security and comfort you may be dissatisfied and looking for new challenges rather a lifestyle change. This may lead to rejection of existing yet unfulfilling relationship.
Health may not be the cause of worry for you, this week. But avoid exerting yourself.
You may receive more than you had expected. A lot of happiness and contentment. Be sharing it with others.  Be generous.
(23rd September - 22nd October)
It is important to plan your tasks, but always have a practical way forward. Being creative is as equally essential as factually (technically) correct.
A very happy familial time for you. Spend quality time with loved ones. Expect good news about new relations, marriages and child birth
Travel can cause severe tiredness. Maintain a balanced diet. Symptoms of tumour? Get it checked.
Avoid getting into conflicts as you may not be equipped with sufficient resources to win the dispute.
(23rd October- 22nd November)
Take great care, as problems maybe unseen lurking due to someone’s disloyalty.
Farsightedness is required this week. You may have to take up extra work, in order to keep family happy. You may have to juggle between two important elements.
Major lifestyle changes can cause an imbalance to your health. Affected areas could be: one marrow, ears or kidney.
A period of enjoyment, parties and celebrations. You may be celebrating the completion of an important task. One completion brings in new beginnings.
(23rd November -  21st December)
A loss, which probably occurred sometime back, may be haunting you even now. You may be alone to regret on the loss. However, not everything is lost. Look around, for you have certainly gained something in the deal.
You probably had made wrong choices in the recent past. It’s time to come out of your fantasies and face the real world.
Your health maybe getting affected due to your emotional and physical struggles. Be careful.
New creative outlets to any problem/ projects and period of study areindicated.  You may be extremely emotional and sensitive. But at the same time, you may be able to use your creativity and intuition. Expect some good news
(22nd December - 20th January)
You may receive and unexpected financial gains. Your generosityis what will be appreciated this week. You may be capable of resolving a dispute.
You may have everything and everybody you need around you. Yet you may have to struggle to juggle between work commitments and social demands.
If you may have been going through any prolonged illness, a speedy recovery is indicated. Take care of not getting any fractures in your body. You may have to undergo an operation.
If you are going to any ad condition, here’s just a warning that end is nearing, though it’s still a little far.The main enemy is that negativity within. Only way up is keep making efforts and don’t lose faith. Avoid getting into bad habits
(21st January - 18th February)
Your shrewdness (practicality here) and capacity to work hard could make your project successful. Expect financial help, (especially from a mature and intelligent woman). You can also enjoy a small treat or vacation, this week.
Your efforts will be paid off. You may achieve your goals and overcome problems, which existed. However, in order to achieve a complete happiness state, there’s just one last challenge remaining; one last push I required.
You may be in pink of health this week. However, a lot of action is reflected in your cards; ensure that doesn’t affect your health.
Life is unexpected. A drastic change is indicated, probably not for the good. Something can leave you with a painful experience. You need to have a more spiritual attitude towards life.
(19th February - 20th March)
Problems with your emotional and physical well-being could lead to insecurity and self-doubt. You may feel challenged wit lack of imagination and communications. Your personal/ domestic disturbances could affect your work as well.
A relatively difficult and negative period for you.You might feel the unproductiveness and blocked. Yet avoid being superstitious.
Health could be a concern this week.  Physical hardships could be adding to health worries.
You may have to learn and implement new skills, perhaps undergo new courses. Satisfaction thus derived can be beyond any financial gains. Should develop financial far-sightedness, though.